Book of ridingtherapy: Equine Facilitated Therapy

Equine Facilitated Therapy

The Finnish Association of Equine Facilitated Therapies has existed since 2000. It produces education with Equine College Hevosopisto for therapists deepening their education in the knowledge of horse in therapy. It organizes yearly themed education to its members and negotiates with government of produced services in rehabilitation and helps setting the standards. It has published jointly with PS-Publishing house a longer Finnish version of this book.

The contents of this book open the dialogue between a horse and a rider. It forms a frame for the process in education and explains the added value of the horse in rehabilitation to become an expert for Finnish Equine Facilitated Therapies.

Written by professionals

In this book the professionals tell about the meaning of riding therapy/hippotherapy as a rehabilitation method to maintain and develop Active Daily Living. The articles in this book give a wide range how riding therapy/hippotherapy is carried out, what are the influences and who will benefit from it.

The book is for professionals in Hippotherapy field, for rehabilitation and health care professionals, students and hippotherapy clients and their kin.

Contents of book


  1. How Riding Influences Well-Being – Sanna Mattila-­Rautiainen
  2. Movement of the horse and its biomechanics – Sanna Mattila-Rautiainen
  3. The anatomy of the Human Spine and its behaviour during the movement of the horse –  Sanna Mattila-Rautiainen and Marita Sandström
  4. Horse as a Facilitator in Psychotherapy – Marja-Leena Yrjölä
  5. Equine Facilitated Therapy in Treatment of Depression  – Terhi Purola
  6. A Child with a Conduct Disorder in Equine Facilitated Therapy – Pauliina Tuomivaara

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